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Competitor analysis

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How do your competitors’ products work? How do they compare with one another? Is there a meaningful gap in the market? Is your attempt to enter this market likely to cause trouble with IP? BLS’s competitor analysis services will help you answer all these questions.

Our skilled and experienced team of technology consultants and engineers are perfectly placed to deliver competitor product analysis.

Through our competitor product teardown analysis service, we’ll evaluate your competitors’ products to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and position in the market. This will allow you to establish how competitive a current or potential device is, as well as determining its likely sales price.

This service can also support technical due diligence to establish a fair price during a procurement and rebranding or investment process. It’s also beneficial for the realisation of IP, helping to establish if the claimed IP is being used and if the device’s IP is actually protected.

Competitor analysis

To learn more about the services that we offer, please click the button below.
Device teardowns
During a device teardown analysis, we strategically disassemble the competitor’s product, with the aim of identifying its component parts. The analysis can also consider other factors, such as reliability and functionality.

This teardown will help you to get a comprehensive overview of the product’s weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for improvement. In effect, this allows us to reverse engineer a device and understand how it works, how well it works, and what processes and parts are used to make it.

You can then adjust your product or plans in response, in order to achieve a more competitive position in the marketplace.

Analysis of existing devices through a process of:
  • Disassembly
  • Component identification
  • PCB analysis 
  • X-ray analysis 
  • External probing
Identification of:   
  • COGS (cost of goods sold), and margin on device (‘should-cost’) 
  • Components and assembly
  • Real-world device performance, with comparison to claimed specification
  • Adherence to technical/safety standards
  • Quality of product  
  • Expected lifetime
  • Critical dependencies and single-source/obsolescence
We can also find points of improvement, including:
  • ‘Could-cost’ and potential cost reductions 
  • Performance improvements 
  • Delta analysis (e.g. price reduction of X by changing Y, at the expense of Z)
Market analysis
In a competitive market space, we can analyse several devices and compare them objectively to gain an understanding of your competitors, their strengths and their weaknesses.

The findings of this analysis can then be cross-referenced with any sales and marketing data, such as sales numbers, reviews and popularity, and estimated marketing effort, in order to establish the following key points:
  • Perception in the marketplace
  • Cost vs KPI or feature
  • Market trends
  • Gap analysis
  • Profitability
By understanding these points, we can help you identify the optimal specification vs price point, allowing you to maximise profitability.
IP analysis
In today’s market new devices require significant investment in IP control. Understanding how your competitors manage their intellectual property will help you to assess their future strategies, and determine your own position in the industry.

Assessing your competitors’ intellectual property activities will also allow you to take early action against any potential infringement.

As part of the IP analysis, we will:
  • Analyse how robust a competitor’s patents are
  • Suggest alternatives/methods for circumventing patents
  • Determine how complex unprotected IP is
  • Compare how close the published IP is to the actual device
Through this analysis, we can establish whether the competitor has managed to implement the patent fully in practice, and whether the released device is actually protected.

"Competitor teardown analysis evaluates rival products, revealing strengths, weaknesses, market position and IP risks. It helps businesses identify opportunities, pricing strategies and potential challenges for market entry."

James Yorkshades


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